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A Sad Statement From the Bible

Henry Omotayo

Acts 26:1-29

Message No. 0547 | Twitter @GodandUs |

Sometimes it is better to hear that you failed an exam than to hear that you almost passed the exam. In the former, okay, you failed, now you need to work better to pass the retake of the exam. In the latter, however, your mind may never stop searching for answers and ascribing reasons why you did not obtain the small amount or points that was needed to cross the margin. Your mind could be saying, oh, that question! I wish I had written the original answer that came to mind, or, why did I select that option for that question, I wish I had followed my mind, it could be God that was leading me and I just missed the message, or, I know that this teacher didn’t like me, or, how wicked could the examiner be that he/she could not just round up the mark for me to pass!

In many instances, the word ‘Almost’ does not spell good. Recalling how many almost (s) one has had could be a moment of frustration and sadness. How do you feel when you recall that you almost got admission to the university of your dream, or that you almost got employed in the company of your dream or that you almost made the points required to immigrate to the country of your dream, or you almost bought those shares when the company went public but instead you left your money in term deposits, thinking that the shares would not do well; now the shares are ten times worth what they were when they first came out.

Well, how do you think God feels when someone, to whom the gospel message was preached, almost gave his or her life to Christ? If you understand what the Bible says in Luke 15:10:

Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents

Then you would understand how God feels and how His angels feel, when a sinner almost repented but didn’t end up doing so. In Acts 26, the Jews, having accused Paul of offenses deserving death, brought his case before Festus, the Roman Governor of Judea. Having a coincidental visit of King Herod Agrippa, Festus, knowing that Herod would understand the Jewish law better than himself, invited him to be present when Paul’s case was heard. In his usual approach, Paul laid out the history of how God chose Israel, brought them out of slavery in Egypt and handed laws to Moses, how he, Paul, was an ardent follower of the law and persecutor of the disciples of Christ, being a Pharisee, and how, on the way to Damascus, God called him out and told him how he had been chosen to take the gospel to the Gentiles.

This was (still is) a compelling story and people, upon hearing the story, usually gave their lives to Christ in great numbers. The story was no less compelling to King Agrippa, and Paul knew it and prompted him to accept it and surrender his life. But kings, oh kings, though you were convinced, why is it so difficult for you to humble yourselves and surrender to the Truth! Why wouldn’t you consider how influential you could be in turning others to Christ. Why don’t you consider how blessed you would be if you were able to lead your followers with great wisdom from the God who knows it all.

Sadly, King Agrippa rejected the gospel, perhaps so as not to lose out politically before the Roman Governor. In verses 27 and 28, Paul prompted the king to react positively to his message, but his response was one of the saddest statements in the Bible:

“King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.” Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”

To almost become a Christian is a tragedy. It means you almost crossed from everlasting destruction to everlasting life; you almost changed direction from hell to heaven; you almost created joy and celebration in heaven, but instead, you created the same effect in the devil’s camp. God forbid that this will be the story of any of us.

Friends, heaven is real, and hell is real. You don’t want to even consider the possibility of one minute in the torture chamber of the devil, let alone a lifetime of such agony. Please surrender your life to Christ, and if you have, never consider changing course. Please let your family, friends, colleagues, and others know how dangerous it is to live without assurance of what will happen after their temporary lives here on earth. God wants us to be saved and to persuade our loved ones to do the same. Are you saved? Have you told your loved ones?

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 If you are yet to give your life to Christ, you do not have a covenant with God and His promises do not apply to you. To come under these promises, please surrender your life to Christ today, by praying this prayer:
 Lord I know that I am a sinner and I am unable to save myself. I am sorry for my sins and I pray that you please forgive me. I am aware that Your Son Jesus died for my sins and I accept Him as my Lord and savior. I surrender my life unto you from this moment. Please take control of my entire being and help me to be obedient to your Word, going forward. Thank you, Lord, for hearing me. I have prayed in Jesus’ name. Amen.
 If you prayed the foregoing prayer, you have just been born again. Please find a Bible believing church in your area and ask to see the pastor. Let him or her know that you have just given your life to Christ and s/he will guide you on next steps in your journey as a child of God. The Lord bless you!
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